Calendario de eventos y actividades Cívicas y Comunitarias de NUBE

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We are proud to be active participants in our statewide civic and solidarity economy movement ecology.

Through conversations with movement leaders, the Drawing Democracy Coalition (DDC) was born. DDF supported DDC leadership to assure outreach to community groups. Their shared goal was spreading the word about DDF grants, and supporting the work of organizations actively working on redistricting. DDC brought together community organizations, civil rights lawyers, public policy advocates, data and mapping experts, and political scientists, with the shared goal of ensuring that historically underrepresented communities have the opportunity to elect candidates of their choice who best reflect their needs and interests.

We are a supporting organization for the Boston and North Shore region to support and train our abundant leaders and provide voter data to our annual civic engagement and community building programming.  

Thank you MassVOTE (Reinvigorating Our Democracy Feb 2022 report). and Massachusetts Voter State Table for supporting our growth and civic engagement annual program.

Mutual Aid East Boston is the neighborhood response during the pandemic. We are proud to be co-creators and part of the network. This was East Boston's rapid response directly from the people most impacted by the pandemic. - Mutual Aid Eastie is now neighbors supporting neighbors - In these times of enormous challenges, with the values of justice, mutual care, reciprocity, solidarity and equity. To learn more visit Mutual Aid Eastie


Apoyamos la coalición, las redes y los movimientos sociales porque nuestro trabajo por la liberación no puede hacerse solo. Queremos practicar nuestro valor en la acción que nos recuerde que debemos alcanzar y practicar nuestro valor de la justicia y guiados por las palabras y el líder del movimiento de los derechos civiles- Martin Luther King Jr. - "El poder en su mejor momento es el amor implementando las demandas de la justicia. La justicia en su mejor momento es el amor corrigiendo todo lo que se opone al amor".

Movimiento Cosecha is a national, non-violent movement fighting for permanent protection, dignity, and respect for all undocumented immigrants.


As climate change worsens and income inequality grows, a solidarity economy is needed for the long term sustainability of all people and the planet. The Solidarity Economy Initiative (SEI) was founded in 2015 by Access Strategies Fund, Boston Impact Initiative, Center for Economic Democracy, and The Solidago Foundation to provide funding and technical assistance to grassroots, frontline organizations leading the movement towards a Solidarity Economy. Through SEI’s pooled “Solidarity Fund,” 11 grassroots organizations have received annual grants between $5,000 - $20,000, with more than $650,000 in grants disbursed to date.

Black Lives Matter Boston remains committed to being active in the Movement for Black Liberation in allegiance to the Black Radical Tradition. We embrace a collective vision for Black people engaging in the protracted struggle for our lives.

We work to strengthen Black power in Boston, across the country and throughout the Diaspora. We unite with those who are principled and committed to the work.

Right to the City- We’re a national alliance of organizations fighting for the rights of working class and communities of color to remain in, reclaim, and rebuild our cities.

PUEBLO Coalition- We envision a city where we coexist in a healthy, safe and sustainable relationship with our environment. We aim to preserve good personal relationship, mutual understanding and respecting our human rights, particularly for those that have been marginalized and excluded by race/ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, class and age. Where all people have the right to live with respect and dignity, better opportunities, free from violence, racism, exploitation, displacement, deportation or any other act that denigrates our community. Where all stakeholders— workers, renters, families, the most vulnerable—together have the power to design and plan just, sustainable communities now and for the future.